Favorite Lemony Salad Dressing
Time: 5-10 minutes
Inspired by: Lemon is one of my favorite flavors, and I think a lemon-based (versus vinegar-based) dressing is a much better pairing with wine. Since we drink wine with most dinners, this is our “almost daily” dressing.
- Juice of two lemons (Meyer lemons recommended)
- Olive oil – approximately 1/2 of the quantity of lemon juice
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- A squirt of Dijon mustard – this Annie’s Horseradish mustard in the picture has been perfect
- A pinch of salt and pepper
- Mix the above ingredients and shake well. We combine the ingredients in a small bowl, funnel them into a bottle and shake well before using. This bottle was a gift from a very sweet family member and we love it.
- Between uses we keep in the refrigerator. If you take it out of the fridge 15-20 minutes before using, the hardened olive oil will soften. You can also put in the microwave if necessary for a few seconds to warm it.