Hi, I’m Karen. These are some of my favorite recipes — many are incredibly simple and easy to prepare. Anything that’s more involved is definitely something I love or I’d never take the time.
This site is not a blog – it’s an organizational tool for me, but if you find something fun here, that’s awesome too! When it comes to food, I know that when I document something I made and loved, then I can easily find it again when I’m trying to think of something to make – whether I’m looking for something fast, healthy, or easy for parties (I throw a lot of parties!). I’m even doing my best to categorize them accordingly.
These recipes mostly come from or are inspired by good friends or are experiments made to share with good friends. Food, wine, celebration, love, friends, parties… they all go together for me.
In my younger years I worked around the clock and could barely boil water without forgetting about it and burning the pan and stinking up the house. Once I slowed down quite a bit to really enjoy my life, I discovered many new passions, including cooking yummy, healthy food (okay, and on occasion not so healthy). I’m also passionate about fitness, wine, spending time with good friends and – as I already mentioned – throwing parties. Oh, and as you can probably tell if you roam around the site a bit, I love spice in food and in life!
I’m not a wine expert – I just love drinking it with good food (okay – without food too), enjoying it with friends, and learning about new wine regions, varietals and different styles of wine making. I lean towards old world style wines, that I think pair much better with food than the ripe, rich California wines. I tried to include a few suggestions for those of you who might want to experiment with some new varietals and wine regions. My strong belief is that you should drink what you like, but my hope is that you might be adventurous and experiment with something new now and then because I think that’s when life gives us amazingly fun surprises!
This site probably needs some serious editing and I’m not a photographer so unfortunately many of the pictures are not as inspiring as the actual dishes. Thanks for stopping by 🙂